The Power Tool Testing Lab for Vibration and Noise

Kente Co Ltd is the first Vibration and Noise of Power Tool Testing Laboratory (Accreditation No. 2411) in Taiwan and was established by KUANI in 2010. It complies with ISO/IEC 17025 has been certificated by Taiwan Accreditation Foundation (TAF) and ILAC Mutual Recognition Arrangement (ILAC-MRA) .

This laboratory is capable to assess the vibration and noise level of portable power tools with following the 2006/42/EC Machinery Directive, ISO 11148, ISO 28927 and ISO 15744.



In Taiwan, KENTE is the first and has so far been the only certificated laboratory for conducting testing Vibration and Noise of Portable Power Tools with following the ISO standards indicated by CE machinery safety directive 2006/42/EC.

2. Test Environment

The setup of KENTE laboratory test environment complies with

  • the ISO 3744 for measuring the levels of noise, and
  • the ISO 28927 series for measuring levels of vibration emission.

3. Instruments

To ensure qualified measurements, KENTE adopt the Brüel & Kjær instruments for measuring both sound and vibration. The instruments are annually calibrated by National Measurement Laboratory R.O.C (NML R.O.C.) and the calibration reports are properly filed for tracking.

4. Team Member

The laboratory director and testers are all qualified for the requirements of ISO 17025, and are certified as the Report Signatory by TAF.

5. Recognition of Report

The reports issued by KENTE are recognized by all accreditation bodies that are signatories to the ILAC MRA. You may check here:

Accredited Scope

Accredited Scope of Testing Field:

ISO 8862-1

ISO 15744
Hand-held non-electric power tools-Noise
measurement code Engineering method

ISO 28927-1
Angle and vertical grinder

ISO 28927-2
Wrenches, nut-runners and screwdrivers

ISO 28927-3
Polishers and rotary, orbital and random orbital sanders

ISO 28927-9
Scaling hammers and needle scalers

ISO 28927-12
Die grinder

A glance at the laboratory instruments:

A glance at the laboratory instruments:
The meters and other items of measuring equipment should meet the correct specification for the measurement of handtransmitted vibration and noise emission given in related ISO standard.

KENTE adopt the Brüel & Kjær instruments for measuring both sound and vibration.

A Set of Accelerometer:

for measuring the vibration values, i.e. frequency-weighted acceleration in m/s2. KENTE adopt triaxial accelerometers which are capable to simultaneously measure the vibration values in 3 directions as instructed in related ISO standards.

Free-field microphone:

Perform high-precision acoustic measurements anywhere a robust and stable free-field microphone is needed.

A Platform of PULSE Analysis:

the measured values of both noise and vibration are captured and recorded in the database through the PULSE platform. The spectral density, including amplitude, frequency, cycle, wavelength, waveform, and phase shift of test data, are shown on the computer screen for real-time analysis purpose.

Sound Calibrator:

for calibration of sound level meters and other sound measurement equipment, which is regularly calibrated by NML R.O.C.

Accelerometer Calibrator:

for precise field calibration of vibration transducers, which is regularly calibrated by NML R.O.C.